“MomentumRNN:Integrating Momentum into Recurrent Neural Networks,” ICML Workshop on Beyond First-Order Methods in Machine Learning Systems, 2020
“Scheduled Restart Momentum for Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Descent,” Machine Learning Lunch at Rice University, 2020
“Neural Rendering Model: Rethinking Neural Networks from the Joint Generation and Prediction Perspective,” DeepMath, 2019 and NeurIPS Workshop on Integration of Deep Learning Theories, 2018
“Deep Generative Models for Geophysical Signal Disentanglement,”Geo-Mathematical Imaging Group (GMIG) Project Review Meeting, 2018
“A Study of Neural Networks from a Probabilistic Generative Model Perspective,”Machine Learning Lunch at Rice University, 2018
“Recent Developments in Methods for Domain Adaptation,”Machine Learning Lunch at Rice University, 2018
Poster Presentations
“The Latent-Dependent Deep Rendering Model,” N. Ho, T. Nguyen (co-first author), A. B. Patel, A. Anandkumar, M. I. Jordan, R. G. Baraniuk, Workshop on Theoretical Foundations and Applications of Deep Generative Models at ICML, 2018
“Towards a Cortically Inspired Deep Learning Model: Semi-Supervised Learning, Divisive Normalization, and Synaptic Pruning,”T. Nguyen, W. Liu, F. Sinz, R. G. Baraniuk, A. A. Tolias, X. Pitkow, A. B. Patel, Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN), 2017
“Mixed Reality Generative Adversarial Networks: Closing the Visual Gap between Synthetic and Real Images,”T. Nguyen, J. Kossaifi, K. Azizzadenesheli, Z. C. Lipton, L. Dirac, A. Anandkumar, Amazon Graduate Research Symposium, 2017
“A Probabilistic Framework for Deep Learning,” A. B. Patel, T. Nguyen, R. G. Baraniuk, Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2016, Computational and System Neuroscience (COSYNE), 2016, International Conference on Computational Photography(ICCP), 2015, and Deep Learning Summer School at Montreal, 2015
“Multi-Purpose Brain-Computer Interface Using EMG Signals,” T. Nguyen, Z. Cai, E. Herrera, J. Dai, E. Salazar, Rice ECE Affiliates Day and Rice Engineering Design Showcase, 2014
“Investigating the Collapse of Carbon Nanotubes by Using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM),” T. Nguyen, C. Zhang , V. S. Gangoli , R. Hauge. NSF Engineering Education Awardees Conference, 2012, and Rice Quantum Institute (RQI) Colloquium, 2011